Our culture is one full of fast food. We are always in a hurry to go here or there and never stop to sit down to eat a full healthy meal. The fast food industry only enables us to continue this unhealthy lifestyle that we live. Fast food is convenient, quick, and inexpensive. However it's not just fast food restaurants that are bad, we also have frozen foods that take just minutes to cook. I am guilty of this as are many others. It is so easy to just eat something quick when life seems to be going at such a fast pace. Many people get sick from eating fast foods. We know they are bad for our health but its just so easy. I am no saint when it comes to eating healthy foods either. I eat frozen foods that are quick and easy to make because it seems like I'm always busy but I do realize that it is bad for me.
These food choices tell us a lot about our culture and how we live. We are always on the run, even though we don't always have to be. Even the people who are not always busy tend to choose foods that are fast and convenient. What we eat can be bad for us, but it defines who we are as a country. This of course can change we can always change the way other look at us. In this case it would be wise to change our diet a little so that we could be a healthier society.